
TheHSLpublictransportregionisdividedintofourzonesidentifiedbythelettersA,B,CandDstartingfromthecitycentre.Purchaseaticketforallthe ...,2023年3月30日—ThewholeserviceareaofHSLisdividedintozonesA,B,C,andD.ThezonescovermuchmorethanjustHelsinki,includingseveralneighboring ...,Asof27April2019,theHSLareaisdividedintofourzonesdesignatedA,B,CandD,roughlycircularlydividedaccordingtodistancefromthecityce...

Getting around Helsinki

The HSL public transport region is divided into four zones identified by the letters A, B, C and D starting from the city centre. Purchase a ticket for all the ...

Helsinki public transport 101

2023年3月30日 — The whole service area of HSL is divided into zones A, B, C, and D. The zones cover much more than just Helsinki, including several neighboring ...

Helsinki Regional Transport Authority

As of 27 April 2019, the HSL area is divided into four zones designated A, B, C and D, roughly circularly divided according to distance from the city centre of ...

HSL area and zones

The HSL area consists of Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa, Kauniainen, Siuntio, Kirkkonummi, Sipoo, Kerava and Tuusula. The HSL area is divided into four zones, ...

Public transport in Helsinki

HSL has divided the capital area into four travel zones. Most of Helsinki is ... HSL trams use the same card readers as HSL buses. At the busiest tram ...

Tickets and fares

The HSL area is divided into four zones, identified by letters A, B, C and D, spreading out from the center of Helsinki. Read more. HSL app. HSL tickets, ...

Using public transport in Helsinki & nearby

The HSL (acronym for the Helsinki Regional Transport) travel planner shows you these zones when you plan your trips. The travel planner can be accessed online ...

Where can I use my HSL mobile ticket?

The HSL area is divided into four zones, designated by the letters A, B, C and D. Remember to check which zones you are travelling in before buying your ...


2023年4月24日 — ... HSL、VR和長途巴士,基本上HSL系統就是涵蓋赫爾辛基Helsinki ... HSL交通系統以赫爾辛基為中心往外分為A、B、C、D,共4個Zones ...